Sunday, July 15, 2012

Today's Top 5: Del Rey Monday

Lana Del Rey (from here)
As the one year anniversary of the first time I heard this song approaches, I have decided that I do, in fact, like Lana Del Rey. Here's why:

1. She has mastered the Lucille Bluth wink, which is harder than it looks.

Lana does Lucille
(From here)
2. I don't know what most of the lyrics to her song "National Anthem" mean--"makin' me so wow wow" (?); "hold you like a python" (seems difficult); "Tell me I'm your National Anthem" (LOL wut)--but the music video is so glamorous that I'm sad I missed the opportunity to be half of an interracial couple in the 1960's.

3. When asked about her obvious plastic surgery, she responded, "That's just how I look when I sing," which is the best response to any question ever.

4. Instead of cowering after her notorious SNL performance, she posted it on her own VEVO page: 

I respect her for this. She knows she is "not a showstopper onstage," but she doesn't cop out by lip syncing/"having acid reflux"/being a "studio band" (still love you, Britney/Ashlee/Steely Dan 1975-1993). Props, Lana.

5. The Tumblr Lana Del Rey Dancing would not exist without her.

If her beauty and music had not won you over already, hopefully these reasons have. If not, don't worry: there's a whole internet of people who can't wait to hate on her with you. I, however, made my support official today. 

1 comment:

  1. yesss glamorous interracial 1960's couple ♥
