Sunday, July 1, 2012

The Head and the Heart Concert

Last night, I saw Trampled by Turtles and The Head and the Heart at an outdoor concert in Indianapolis. If you haven't heard of either, listen to this song by The Head and the Heart as you read the rest of this post to feel like you lived it with me.

I wore this,
and due to the relative lengths of the tunic and shorts, I rocked a hotly-contested "J.Crew half-tuck." I hate to get too deep on this, but it probably goes back to a traumatic incident in first grade when I wore a super-long Pacers t-shirt that made it look like I was nakey jakey/nudey rudey from the waist down. Note to parents: think before you let your kids walk out of the house sans half-tuck. 

Back to the concert: I went with these pretty people, 

one of my best friends from high school (don't let those good AP Chem lab partners slip away) and her college boyfriend. They're extremely stylish and cool and run this awesome prep Tumblr page together. Also, they did the most amazing job of not making me feel like a third wheel. I greatly appreciated this, since I'm a dish best served single and will only be put in more and more of these situations as my friends and I enter adulthood and pair off. We're all going to Lollapalooza together in a month, and I'll take notes about what they do so right because the single friends-couple friends dynamic is a difficult one to navigate. What pros.

Anyway, the concert audience was a strange combination of humans (Central Indiana, holla atcha) and the people-watching was stellar. Also stellar: these delicious ice pops that come in flavors like Lemon Basil, Chili Mango, and Avocado. If you're in the Indianapolis area, FIND THEM. Best $3 you can spend on a sweltering hot day. Everything smelled like sweat and weed, it was 90 degrees with the sun down, and the bands were even better live than I was anticipating. What a perfect summer night.

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